The day when Hezbollah martyred leaders Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah and Sayyed Hashem Safeiddine will be laid to rest won’t be forgotten by the free people of the world, the committee tasked with organizing the funeral announced on Friday.
In a press conference, the committee’s Head Hussein Fadlallah tackled the final preparations of the funeral held on Sunday at Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium.
“The funeral will be an exceptional event that the world will not forget. We have reached the highest levels of readiness to receive the lovers of revolution, freedom and resistance and to organize this spectacular crowd in a manner that befits the great sacrifices of the two secretaries-general of Hezbollah,” Fadlallah told reporters in the committee’s headquarters at Risalat Lebanese Association of Arts in Beirut’s southern suburb, Dahiyeh.
“Sunday, February 23rd, a date that won’t be forgotten by the free people who are flocking to Beirut from all over the world,” the official stated.

He highlighted the popularity of the funeral, saying: “People are the most important and honored guests of the Secretary General on his farewell day,” expecting that the streets will be filled with a high number of attendees.
Fadlallah said that screens will be installed on all roads of the funeral, noting that attendees who can’t reach the main square can follow the ceremony through them.
On the health services, the official said that 100 doctors and 1,400 nurses, as well as 54 reinforced emergency rooms and 32 fire engines are to be deployed to areas where the funeral is being held.
Meanwhile, Fadlallah said that Palestinian soil, brought by Palestinian activists from Al-Aqsa Mosque, is to be mixed with the soil of Sayyed Nasrallah’s grave.

Source: Al-Manar English Website