The Civil Court of Appeals, chaired by Judge Nassib Eliya, has rejected on Monday requests filed by MPs Nohad Mashnouq, Ali Hassan Khalil, and Ghazi Zeaiter, who demanded that Beirut port blast investigator, Judge Tarek Bitar, be removed from the probe.
The Court also fined each of the three lawmakers with LBP 800 thousand.
The Court’s decision came two days after the US Senate called on the Lebanese authorities to protect the judges investigating Beirut Port blast and praised the judicial investigator, Tarek Bitar.
On August 4, 2020, a massive blast rocked Beirut Port blast, killing around 196 citizens and injuring over 6000 of others. The explosion also caused much destruction in the capital and its suburbs.
Source: Al-Manar English Website and NNA