A clear majority of American voters rejected President Donald Trump’s Republican Party on Tuesday night, and someone should tell the Constitution that, an article published by USA Today mentioned.
“America’s midterm elections revealed nearly every weakness in our democracy that made Trump possible. But they also kept alive the narrow hope we will be able to contain the singular threat he presents to democratic governance, and eventually defeat him.”
“Almost anywhere you look on the electoral map, Democrats can find a reason to celebrate as a counterweight to each loss they mourn — or at least find a ridiculous irony.”
“Trump ran a shameless propaganda campaign targeting immigrants, mirrored with actual policies designed to persecute the most vulnerable that ended up even being too racist for Fox News. Yet any success he could claim and use to buoy his party was enabled by inheriting a growing economy from the nation’s first African-American president.”
“Democratic candidates for the House will likely end up defeating their opponents by a larger margin than any recent Republican ‘wave’ election — but the GOP still has a near stranglehold on the federal government.”
Source: USA Today